In a quote taken from the official Dekton website..
“Dekton is an ultracompact surface that consists of a sophisticated blend of the raw material used to produce the very latest in glass and porcelain as well as the highest quality quartz work surfaces.”
Dekton is an innovation in the stonemason industry, extremely clever sinterised particle technology allows for zero porosity and a lack of micro-defects meaning you have an extremely versatile, long lasting material that will hold up to weathering at less of a premium of traditional stone solutions.
Why choose Dekton?
1 • It’s just one piece
With a traditional porcelanic surface, you have a base colour as well as a secondary decorative glaze whereas with Dekton, its’ just one single material throughout. The benefit of this purity is that you have a material that has more mechanical & thermal flexibility than another which has multiple layers.
2 • Dekton is cost effective
With a choice of 5 thicknesses, 0’4 cm / 0.’8 cm / 1’2 cm / 2 cm / 3 cm, theres no need to mitre the edge, saving money on an installation.
3 • Little maintenance is required
One of the key benefits of this wonder-material is that it not only offers the look and feel of traditional materials, but its zero porosity means there isn’t the same special care you need to give other surfaces. When it comes to cleaning, you can use ammonia, or even just a wet rag with cleaning solution.
4 • Quality guaranteed
We have so much confidence in this innovation, that there is a 25 year guarantee offered with each install, giving you peace of mind for one, but demonstrates just how much we love Dekton.
Neo Granite are Dekton experts
At our core, we are bespoke stonemasons who craft stone to very specific requirements, this can be for multiple applications but working with Dekton makes this infinitely easier. To see our work, press here to view our gallery.
If you’re interested in working with us, or are looking for an install of your own, you can speak to us and we can get the process started for you.
– The Neo Granite Team